Friday, July 10, 2009

Mom's Journey

As most of you know my mom find out this past January that she had breast cancer. She is done with chemo and moving through radiation smoothly. I took pictures of my mom and us girls a month or so ago and just recently I spent some time with my parents in North August and decided to take some more pictures of her and my dad.
I am about to get really emotional here so sorry! I can't tell you enough how much I love my parents and how BLESSED I am to have them as my parents! Let me ask you a question....If you could rate your parents on a scale of 1 to 10 on how well they raised you, what would it be????

I was asked this question a few years ago in a Sunday school class. I sat there thinking to myself what number to pick and was leaning towards 8 or 9. I mean, no one is prefect right?? Well, my husband blew me away with his answer, " There is no scale or number, my parents did the best they could with what they had or knew" Are you kidding, that should be the answer for all of us!!! They did the best they could!!!
My parents were always there for me and they showed me what a marriage and relationship with Christ was all about! I will forever be impacted by that. As I get older this has become more and more clear to me. I love you Dad and Mom!!

On a lighter note my parents are celebrating 40 years of marriage this August! Yes, that is right 40 years and still going strong!!!
With my mom suffering from the effects of this cancer and chemo I have seen my dad be by her side and love her unconditionally. Mom I hope this is OK to say....I was there the day she shaved her head knowing that the chemo would take it so she decided to do it first. I will never forget that day with her or what my dad said to her that night when in the privacy of their own room my mom took off her wig and showed my dad her head...he said, " You have a beautiful head" and they embraced and shed some tears together. My mom was so worried about what he would think and 5 little words made all that worry disappear!! OK where are my tissues...enough already! My parents rock if I have not said it yet!!!
Anyway here are some more pictures of my parents celebrating 40 years and celebrating life after cancer!!!

Mom has gotten pretty brave when it comes to not wearing her wig so this night we decided to take a few shot without her wig. 1...2...3 and the wig came off!! This was my favorite picture of the night!!!

I loved all the color in this photo and just had to get them in it! This place was so cool and so rich in color!!

Here is my sassy mom!! Hair or no hair my mom is still beautiful and so amazing!! I love it!!

She is still suffering a few side effects as you can see with her arm being wrapped but hopefully soon this to will pass!

Here is a picture of my girls with their Papa and Grandee! Love it!!!


Anonymous Kristin said...

Those are great them!

July 19, 2009 at 6:28 PM  

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