Thursday, January 28, 2010

You know you are a mom when......

So after tucking my youngest into bed last night I came out to the living room to this....

My oldest had set up ALL her dolls and stuff animals on the couch.  They were all ready and tucked in for the night.  As you can see we have a big couch and she was able to cover every inch of it!!! LOL
She wanted to make sure we were quiet because they were all sleeping!!
So this is where "you know you are a mom when..." you sit on the floor the rest of the night so you don't disturb the babies sleeping....!!!
What in the world was I thinking!!  I truly sat on the floor the rest of the night!  These dolls and animals never had it so good.  But this is what mommies do....sacrifice our own welling being for our babies or in this case the dolls and stuff animals!! Ha!!!

Stay tune......J


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